The Value And Benefits of Giving

We live in an age where prosperity, position & influence are given the highest importance & people’s skills & capabilities are gauged based on these parameters. Unfortunately, we value people keeping these parameters in mind. The definition of successful living is formulated by the levels of success they achieve & the amount of materialistic wealth they amass. The fact of the matter remains that with each rung of success climbed, there is a significant responsibility that they shoulder. This is not just a professional responsibility, but a moral responsibility of giving back. The Power of Contribution is unparalleled and you’re obliged to contribute to the society, who helped you become what you are today. It is a mutual relationship, where the contributor receives back the benefits for the contributions he made. Contributor becomes a benefactor who reaps & enjoys all the benefits from his contributions. For example, by working for people’s best interests, you are rewarded with good wishes & long-lasting relationships. It is like a zero-sum game wherein whatever is being debited from you, would be credited back with the same.
Having said this, the real potential of giving is unleashed only when the contribution is made without expecting anything in return. It is that selfless & altruistic attitude that should embody an act of giving. It is the feeling of fulfillment that motivates you to engage yourself in an act of serving others. Fulfillment is the feeling you would like to live with. It is that feeling of being human that drives you to make a contribution to others & the community as a whole. The purpose of life can be linked to these meaningful contributions made to this world. The contributions need not be grandeur & can be made according to your capacity & by your own measure. As you keep making contributions, you inch towards fulfilling your topmost need, that’s self-actualization wherein you realize your potential by having contributed something larger than yourself. The greatest & strongest connection with your life can be unraveled & strengthened at this point. Giving others can take many forms in various contexts & different arenas.
Contribution in work-life: In the Corporate world, there are innumerable ways with which you can contribute & share a part of yours in the service of others. While professionally we do everything that is in the best interest of our company, we can go beyond our call of duty & serve the people & community thereon. Caring & helping people working with you is not just a leadership trait, but something even the roles entailing individual contributors is expected to do these days. Inspiring people & showing them the purpose & the larger cause to associate themselves with is one form of serving people by letting them look beyond their jobs. Mentoring employees to ensure they professionally evolve & keep up with the market trend & ensuring they maintain that spark to constantly perform would not only help businesses to have high-performing employees but would also contribute to imbibing the right attitude in the larger community which forms an integral part in the corporate arena. Motivated employees would, in turn, work for the client’s best interests by going beyond their call of duty. This is the compounding effect of contribution. Leaders are the ones who are expected to demonstrate this at work only to create this cycle of giving. Empowering teams & allowing them to go beyond the stereotypes do a lot better in creating a resilient society.
Don't give to get. Give to inspire others to give.
– Simon Sinek
Contribution to Society: We are endowed with some natural gifts & strengths that we normally use anyway. They’re supposed to be also utilized for the betterment & welfare of those in need. In this modern digital age, this support can be ramped up by creating connections with people having complementary skills, so that together you can do so much good for society. Making difference in other’s lives in any possible form (Monetary, spiritual, Inspirational, etc.) gives you a meaningful life to live & provides you the highest form of happiness. The contribution brings gratitude which makes you grow larger than yourself & makes you do what it requires to do by a successful person. Serving others is the greatest favor you can do to yourself.
The art of giving is something that needs to be practiced from today. There is no wait until we ‘get good’. We start now and in the process, we learn and be good by ourselves. This is the value that needs to be emphasized & nurtured in society. The nation is built by having strong & prosperous societies and this can be made possible by making meaningful contributions at an individual level to empower others to grow & make greater contributions further to others.
I would like to conclude by taking a leaf out of one of the finest writing by Tony Robbins in his book “Awaken your Giant Within”:
Only those who have learned the power of Sincere and Selfless Contribution Experience Life’s Deepest Joy
– Tony Robbins
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